Uncategorized @en-ca April 1, 2022

April Update from Kate Mammen, Fredericton REALTOR®


Spring is now actually starting to feel like the gifts that it heralds, and this month’s items of value are designed to provide you some valuable ideas to refresh your home!

At this time of year, I am often asked about remodelling trends and the importance of tackling the right projects within your home that will give you the highest return on your investment.  Oddly enough, I’ve had many clients who have spent springs and summers tackling sizeable projects in order to sell but have ended up falling in love with their homes all over again!  A great feeling of achievement for them, and a great idea to keep in mind when there is precious little inventory on the market.  Renovating your home, may make it feel new all over again!

The whole question of renovations leads to another huge consideration – should you do it yourself, or let a professional handle the work?

The first item of value found below is a brief guide on when you should do the work yourself and when it’s best to hire a professional.  I’ve also included a few tips on how to save money during a home renovation, because like any project, costs can get out of control quite quickly!

The second item of value refers to a series of exercises that generally bring considerable value to your home should you decide to put it on the market.  Home staging is a term that most people are familiar with now, thanks to the incredible amount of material available both online, and on television.

If you’re planning to put your house on the market anytime soon, you want it to look the absolute best for the potential buyers who walk in the door.  And that’s where the immense value of home staging comes in.  Knowing the best tips for prepping your home will come in handy anytime actually.

My brief guide on effective home staging will help you show off your home’s beset assets and impress buyers.  I’ve also included a few interesting facts on the power of staging your home.  When you are ready to sell, you will know exactly what to do to enhance your living space!

I hope you enjoy this material, and please let me know if you have any questions with which I can be of assistance.


Oh, by the way…  if you know of someone who would appreciate the level of service I provide, please call me with their name and contact information.  I’d be happy to help.